Building a culture of life in our community through education, pastoral care, advocacy, and prayer.
Keep filling our crib!
Please know that the Mothers in need are truly grateful for the support they receive from the St. Bernard community. So please keep the donations coming. The crib is located in the Cry Room.
Currently, there is a need for formula, baby cereal, diapers (size 5 & 6) and wipes, baby lotion, baby shampoo and layette items are always appreciated. Gently used clothing (especially toddler size!), toys and children’s books are always welcome!
“Called to Serve Moms in Need” --- Respect Life Theme 2022-2023
The Hyde Amendment is a bipartisan legislation contained in the federal government's annual appropriations bill which blocks taxpayer dollars from funding elective abortions. This year, members of Congress want to repeal the Hyde Amendent, which could allow for billions of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions. For 45 years, the Hyde Amendment has saved the lives of women and children, with an estimated 2.4 million children saved from abortion since Hyde went into law. The Hyde Amendment not only saves the lives of children and protects women from the medical and emotional harms of abortion, but also protects the conscience and liberty of pro-life Americans by blocking their tax dollars from funding abortions.
With so much at stake, it is immensely important that massive amounts of Catholics make their voice heard to stop taxpayer dollars from ending the lives of babies. Please see the critical action items and resouces linked below:
1. Sign the petion (also linked below) at
2. Learn more about the Hyde Amendment and related policies
"You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139: 13.
Respect for Life/Pro-life Awareness is a ministry dedicated to communicating issues or programs that support the Church’s teaching on the dignity and respect for all human life and the action we can take. As lay persons, we strive to deepen that respect for all human life in our working world through a life of prayer, frequent participation in the sacraments, receiving doctrinal formation and the practice of giving of self in the service to the Body of Christ.
Any person motivated with a passion to deepen the respect for human life would be a great asset to this ministry.
Activities consist of assisting in the promotion of awareness of issues that threaten human life. Members participate in efforts that promote dignity and love of neighbor at the parish and public level, attend Prolife activities in the Diocese, support efforts in our parish and community and volunteer with specific agencies or programs that support Prolife.
For more information about this ministry or any of the highlighted activities, please contact: Carolyn/Jim (908)-575-7857 or [email protected].
Other Good Resources:
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Respect Life page
Diocesan Website – Respect Life Page
Keep Filling Our Crib
Please know that the Mothers in need are truly grateful for the support they receive from the St. Bernard Community. So please keep the donations coming. The crib will be kept in the usher’s closet (next to the pamphlet rack in the Narthex). Currently, there is a need for formula, baby cereal, diapers and wipes, baby lotion, baby shampoo, and layette items are always appreciated. Gently used clothing, toys and children’s books are welcome.
The Respect for Life ministry introduces a new award to recognize exemplary service to help build a culture of life in St. Bernard’s parish. We have named the award for St. Gianna Beretta Molla, patron saint for mothers, physicians, and unborn children.
St. Gianna was a gynecologist who fully understood the sanctity of life. Recognizing that in every person dwells the face of Christ, she wrote “Our body is a cenacle, a monstrance: through its crystal the world should see God.” St. Gianna also knew that true Christian love can demand suffering, writing that “Love and sacrifice are closely linked, like the sun and the light. We cannot love without suffering and we cannot suffer without love.”
St. Gianna demonstrated these values clearly in her life. While 2 months pregnant with her fourth child, she developed a fibroma on her uterus. After examination, the doctors gave her three choices: an abortion, a complete hysterectomy, or removal of only the fibroma. She chose removal of the fibroma* and continued what proved to be a difficult pregnancy. Seven days after the birth of her youngest daughter, St. Gianna died from complications.
*The Catholic Church forbids all direct abortion even when the woman’s life is in danger,
but Catholic teaching would have allowed Gianna
to undergo a hysterectomy, which would have resulted in her unborn child’s death as an unintended consequence.