Many diocesan bishops have been encouraging parishes to establish Pastoral Councils within their communities. Unlike the familiar Parish Councils with elections and committees, Pastoral Councils are bodies devoted to prayer, the study of church documents and other sound resources, as well as parish-centered reflection based on that study. It is the hope of our bishops that this model will better equip the laity – spiritually, theologically, and pastorally – to collaborate with their pastors, clergy and staff in the work of ministry. What is unique about this model is that its emphasis is on prayer and study. It invites us to better ground ourselves both spiritually and theologically, to educate ourselves about what we are doing and why we are doing it. It asks that we see ministry not as a series of projects and programs but instead, as a work evolving from the graced development of parish life and mission.
The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body to the pastor and the parish staff in identifying and addressing areas of ministerial needs in the parish.